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Free Tools

Here you will find useful resources and tools to help you, some of which have been created exclusively by Headspace Coaching Plus. 

The Peak Experiences Triangle

Peak Experienes Triangle.jpeg

This free tool could help you change your life for the better. 

My Peak Experiences Triangle (or PET) is a great tool for helping you work out whether you’re doing enough of what really satisfies you in your life, or work, so you can take action if you're not.   It is as indispensable to individuals as it is to teams.  Even if you think you're satisfied with your life or work complete one to check. You may be surprised by what it reveals.


You plot your activities from the past couple of weeks or month and rate them for how engaging they are (vertical axis) and how aligned to your purpose or calling they are (horizontal axis), toting up the amount of time you've spent doing them on the right. Watch the video or pop us your email to be sent a copy (a fuller set of  instructions are on the back).  


Curious to find out how your life and work stack up? Pop your email in the pop up box and we'll send you a PDF. To get the pop up again simply reload the website or page, it will reappear after 8 seconds. Alternatively use the contact form below.  â€‹â€‹

A tool to help you Flourish

According to Martin Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology, flourishing is “the state of living a ‘good life’ by finding fulfilment, accomplishing meaningful tasks, and connecting with others”.  


People who flourish and maintain good well-being have few wants in life, even those not especially wealthy, since their quality of life gives them the satisfaction they desire. But how do you assess your quality of life from the perspective of flourishing?


While Headspace Coaching Plus's Life Assessment and Goal Identification tool doesn't have the snappiest of names (!) it's been exclusively developed to provide you with a comprehensive way to assess the quality of your life and work out how you can flourish - or at the very least improve your well-being, in the short to medium term.  It's based on research in the fields of Positive Psychology, health, and longevity and is an important element of our Re-create Your Life group retreats. â€‹

Why not download a free PDF (clicking the button), and use it to identify the small things you could do to improve the quality of your own life?

The Balance Wheel 

The Wheel of Life or Balance Wheel is surely the most used tool in life coaching (have you come across it before?). It was created by the late Paul J Meyer, who founded the Success Motivation Institute® in 1960. The wheel enables you to take a helicopter view of your life to identify where the imbalances are and thus where to focus attention. You ascribe each of your life areas to segments - work, home, leisure, finance, for instance, and rate how satisfied each one is to you on a scale of 1 – 10. The final wheel is likely to be wonky and out of balance as a result of you rating some areas less satisfactory than others. Giving attention to those areas will enable you to bring greater balance back to your life. Why not download a free PDF and try it out for yourself (click on the wheel to access the PDF).

Wheel of Life 2.PNG

While using tools such as these on your own can benefit you greatly using them as part of a programme of coaching will guarantee you get the best results. For a free introductory coaching consultation simply contact me.     

Contact Me

Thanks for your interest. I will reply as soon as possible. Mark

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